Baby and Toddler Behavior Strategies

Hitting, Biting. Tantrums. Such are the joys of life with a baby/toddler. What’s the best way of dealing with it/preventing future meltdowns? This video covers the three highlights that I think are the most important baby and toddler behavior management strategies. Make sure to check out the links below the video for recommended reading- the parenting books that I think are worthwhile and effective.

Find my two absolute favorite go-to books for baby and toddler behavior management strategies. For the full list of my favorite parenting books, visit my recommended parenting books page.

1,2,3 Magic, Thomas Phelan. This is my go-to behavior/discipline book. It’s a quick read and easy to implement…even when your toddler has worn you down. I re-read it every few months to remind myself of the details; when done correctly, this method works and reduces frequency of resorting to yelling.

Parenting with Love and Logic, Foster Kline, M.D. and Jim Fay. More help with behavior. This is excellent for help with behavior for older toddlers/school-age children. It covers ways to empower your child to feel more in control as well as consequences that are effective and make sense.

*This post contains affiliate links. I make a small percentage of profits at no extra cost to you. I would never recommend products that I do not truly love and want to share.

Baby-led Weaning vs. Purees

There are always many questions surrounding introducing food to babies. If you haven’t already seen the videos for when to introduce baby food or important things to know when introducing baby food, check those out now. This video will cover the topic of baby-led weaning vs. purees. What is baby-led weaning? Which is better? Watch the short video below for my opinion.

Now you’ve seen the baby-led weaning vs. purees debate and can make the best decision for your family. Remember to check in with our developmental milestones timeline as your baby grows.

How to Help your Baby with Communication

Helping babies learn how to talk is one of my favorite parts of parenting. I think it’s fascinating to watch them start to realize that when they say a word, it means something. How can you help your baby with communication? Watch this video to see some activities you can do to help your baby learn new words:

Now that you know how to help your baby with communication, make sure you’re subscribed for emails so you will be notified when videos for other developmental categories are posted. Don’t forget to regularly check in with our developmental milestones timeline to see what your baby will do in the coming months.

Here is the link to the flashcards referenced in the video (affiliate link).

Is my baby constipated?

If there is one topic that parents bring up most frequently in my office, it is undoubtedly poop. Is my baby constipated? Why is my baby so mad when he poops? Watch this short video to find out some answers. Typically the answer to the “is my baby constipated?” question is “no.” The video will explain when it might actually be constipation, what else it could be, and when to call the doctor.

Pooping trouble and fussy babies sometimes go hand-in-hand. If you’re going through the fussy period with your infant, check out this video for some answers and moral support. Need more help with your fussy baby? Check out this excellent resource:

Hospital Bag Essentials

This is more of a friend question than a pediatrician question, but I do get asked quite often what to pack in the hospital bag. After 3 deliveries, these are my tried and true favorites (with the exception of the bag…which is on my wish list). Here are your self-care hospital bag essentials:

This tote bag is for sure on my wish list (hint to my husband, who for sure is reading this because he clings to every word I write….desert ochre, please)

Lanolin to help with your transition to breastfeeding, if that’s your plan. This is my favorite brand (I wish I were cool enough to be a connoisseur of something other than lanolin).

A comfy nursing bra. I love this one because it has a racerback and is super soft (plus the anesthesiologist had a chuckle at the brand name when giving my epidural)

Barre socks. These are much more comfy/less frumpy than the hospital-issued pair… plus they have cute uplifting messages on the bottoms.

A fun, easy read. Sometimes there is more waiting/downtime than you think. This is my most recent favorite.

Those are my favorite hospital bag essentials! I usually end up overpacking, and you can certainly survive without a bunch of “stuff”…but, as in all of motherhood, taking care of yourself is more than half the battle. Take care of yourself, mama!

If you’re packing a hospital bag, now is a good time to freshen up on the things you need to know before leaving the hospital with your newborn (“caring for your newborn video in the developmental timeline).

*This post contains affiliate links. I make a small percentage of each sale at no extra cost to you. I would never recommend products I haven’t used (with the exception of the items we are purchasing for this year’s birthday- labeled) or found to be useful or products that are not in support of AAP-recommended safety guidelines.