Food Allergy Prevention

Food allergy is so prevalent now (it boomed from 2000-2008). Is there anything we can do for food allergy prevention? Science tells us yes. The way that we feed our babies can likely influence whether or not our child develops a food allergy. This doesn’t mean that you did something wrong if your child has a food allergy; genetics are strong, and guidelines are constantly evolving. The main premise of the new guidelines is to feed early, feed often. Watch this video to hear the evidence and guidelines:

When should you be starting baby food? Watch this short video to hear the discussion. We have established that food allergy prevention is important, but what else is (and isn’t) important when feeding your baby? Check out this video to learn 5 things you should know when you’re starting to give your baby food.

Are you wanting to learn more about food allergy and allergies in general? Check out this blog, which was created by my brilliant friend and colleague, Dr. Maya Gharfeh (an exceptional allergist in Waco, Texas).

As always, make sure you’re caught up on our developmental milestone videos to find out what your baby will do in the coming months.

Gift Ideas for a 1-year-old

My son turns one this week! Do you have any almost-1-year-olds in your life? If you need gift ideas for a 1-year-old, look no further. The first birthday is usually pretty easy gift-wise, because no matter what you give….the wrapping paper is always their favorite part. Here are the developmental toys that my (nearly) 1-year-old is really loving right now, followed by the things we’re getting him for his birthday. For developmental toy ideas for all ages, check out my full list of favorites.

Gift Ideas for a 1-year old- Developmental Toys We’re Getting Our 1-year-old for his First Birthday:

Soft Foam Blocks: fine motor, gross motor. I’m thinking this one might be the favorite of the year. He loves things he can throw and chase, and the soft texture of these make them a good candidate. Stacking and sorting are important skills- blocks are great for this. Bonus: the covers are removable/washable.

Dimpl toy: fine motor. I’ve watched babies and toddlers play with these in my office for the last few years; they are mesmerized by them. This one is going in the diaper bag for sure.

Play tunnel: gross motor. He loves speed-crawling through tunnels at the park, so I think this collapsible (read: easy to store) tunnel will be a hit. I imagine it will be a good addition to the soft foam block “playground” that he already loves.

Quiet Book: communication. We’re always looking for “quiet” toys that can entertain little rascals at church, restaurants, etc. There are tons of options here- I chose this one because the chef theme got me.

Books: communication. You can never ever go wrong with books. We’re getting him these, because you can never start teaching about strong women too soon…and we love some girl power in this house.

Tried and True Developmental Toys our 1-year-old Already Loves:

Gymnasium Playset: gross motor. this one is a splurge, but it’s absolutely my favorite. My older kids use it to make obstacle courses (combined with the balance pods), forts, and with their Ikea tumbling mat to practice gymnastics. They are the perfect size to create a tiny indoor playground for the 1-year-old on rainy days.

Touch and Feel Flashcards: communication. Reading is absolutely the best thing you can do to help your child’s communication skills. When they are first learning words, it’s also important to just say the one-word name of objects, so they can clearly understand where the word begins and ends. These flashcards are very helpful for expanding vocabulary, and babies love being able to feel the tactile sections of the cards. My kids also have the animals and colors and shapes sets.

Megablocks: fine motor. These are perfectly sized for a one-year-old hand. They are easy for them to pull apart. My son has had lots of fun with these this year.

*This post contains affiliate links. I make a small percentage of each sale at no extra cost to you. I would never recommend products I haven’t used (with the exception of the items we are purchasing for this year’s birthday- labeled) or found to be useful or products that are not in support of AAP-recommended safety guidelines.

How to Feed a Baby

There are many things that don’t matter when deciding how to feed a baby. There is a lot of debate about baby feeding topics that, at the end of the day, don’t matter all that much. Baby-led weaning vs purees? Totally up to you. Starting with grains vs veggies? You choose! There are, however 5 important things to know as you start to decide how to feed your little one. Watch this video to find out what you need to know when deciding how to feed a baby:

If you haven’t already watched the video on when to start feeding your baby, find it here. Remember that babies who were premature, have trouble gaining weight, or have certain other medical problems will follow their own schedule, so please consult your doctor before starting baby food.

If you’re close to feeding age, be prepared by stocking up on these feeding favorites:

Bibs with a trough (to catch the mess) and a soft top that won’t bother baby’s neck. I keep these in my diaper bag (they roll up and click together for easy toting).

Sticky plates are another diaper bag staple. They roll up and make restaurant-eating a breeze (if one can ever call dining out with a baby a breeze).

Remember to check in on the “Development Through the Months” timeline as your baby grows.

*This post contains affiliate links. I make a small percentage of each sale at no extra cost to you. I would never recommend products I haven’t used or found to be useful or products that are not in support of AAP-recommended safety guidelines.

When to Start Baby Food

When will your baby be ready to start eating something other than breastmilk or formula? This video discusses when to start baby food. Look for videos in the coming weeks that will cover what and how to start giving your baby food. As always, this video is a rough guide, and every baby is different. Premature infants, babies who have had trouble gaining weight, and babies with certain medical problems or developmental delays will likely be on a different feeding timeline. Make sure to consult with your pediatrician before starting food.

If you’re close to feeding age, be prepared by stocking up on these feeding favorites:

Bibs with a trough (to catch the mess) and a soft top that won’t bother baby’s neck. I keep these in my diaper bag (they roll up and click together for easy toting).

Sticky plates are another diaper bag staple. They roll up and make restaurant-eating a breeze (if one can ever call dining out with a baby a breeze).

Remember to check in on the “Development Through the Months” timeline as your baby grows.

*This post contains affiliate links. I make a small percentage of each sale at no extra cost to you. I would never recommend products I haven’t used or found to be useful or products that are not in support of AAP-recommended safety guidelines.

Crib Safety

Crib safety is an important way to prevent infant deaths from suffocation. Watch the video below to make sure you know the rules. Remember that a boring crib is a safe crib. A fun crib sheet is one way to safely liven up the look of your crib (I’m a texture person, and I love a muslin crib sheet). Check out this crib safety video:

Now you’re one step closer to being ready for baby! Make sure to visit the “development through the months” timeline- you’ll especially want to watch the newborn video to find out what you need to know before leaving the hospital with your newborn. Navigate to the left or right to follow what your baby will likely do as he/she grows. Be sure to subscribe for emails so we can let you know when there is new content and remind you to check in on the developmental timeline every once in a while.

Baby crib safety

*This post contains affiliate links. I make a small percentage of each sale at no extra cost to you. I would never recommend products I haven’t used or found to be useful or products that are not in support of AAP-recommended safety guidelines.

Baby Bath Tips

This topic may seem like a no-brainer…but I actually get questions about baby bath tips pretty frequently in my office. Sometimes the answers are counter-intuitive (did you know daily baths can actually help sensitive skin?). Watch the short video below for the answers to my baby bath tip FAQ’s.

Which baby wash do I use to bathe my own kids? This one. (affiliate link)

Don’t forget to watch a refresher on what your baby will do each month in our development through the months timeline.

Baby Bath Tips; how and when to safely give your baby a bath