How to Feed a Baby

There are many things that don’t matter when deciding how to feed a baby. There is a lot of debate about baby feeding topics that, at the end of the day, don’t matter all that much. Baby-led weaning vs purees? Totally up to you. Starting with grains vs veggies? You choose! There are, however 5 important things to know as you start to decide how to feed your little one. Watch this video to find out what you need to know when deciding how to feed a baby:

If you haven’t already watched the video on when to start feeding your baby, find it here. Remember that babies who were premature, have trouble gaining weight, or have certain other medical problems will follow their own schedule, so please consult your doctor before starting baby food.

If you’re close to feeding age, be prepared by stocking up on these feeding favorites:

Bibs with a trough (to catch the mess) and a soft top that won’t bother baby’s neck. I keep these in my diaper bag (they roll up and click together for easy toting).

Sticky plates are another diaper bag staple. They roll up and make restaurant-eating a breeze (if one can ever call dining out with a baby a breeze).

Remember to check in on the “Development Through the Months” timeline as your baby grows.

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